Thenos(from Marwell)


I am inevitabl... wait no, inevutible... inevoboble?

click to snap ur fingers!

Flying Thenos
Flying Thenos
Flying Thenos

Infinity Roks Colekshun


Spase Rock

makes u go zoom zoom in spase


Tiem Rock

rewinds tiem to get more snacks


Realitee Rock

makes bubbles into pizzas


Sole Rock

trades fren for chimken nuggies


Mined Rock

makes u rly big brain


Powar Rock

stronk like spagetti

Frens n Enumys

Irn Man

Irn Man

rich boi who made suit from scraps n stuff



stronk boi with magic bonk stick



angy green boi who do smash

Captin Murica

Captin Murica

throws shield like frizbe, very patriot

I am inevitabl... wait no, inevutible... inevoboble?
click for more wizdom

Snap Kalkulatur
Spinning Thenos

Floating Thenos
Floating Thenos
Floating Thenos
Floating Thenos

Thenos Backstury
Spinning Thenos

Wunce upon a tiem, ther was a big purpl guy named Thenos. He lived in spase with his favrit chair that floated around.

He got relly mad becuz half the peple in the univers kept eating all the snacks, so he decideded to do sumthing about it.

He found sum shiny roks and put them in his special glove (but it didn't fit rite becuz he got it from the dollar store).

Quotes of Wizdom
Spinning Thenos

Realty can be watever I want it to be (except on Mundays)

- Thenos, while trying to fix his broken toaster

The hardest choises require the strongest wills (and lots of coffee)

- Thenos, before his morning coffee

Perfectly balansed, as all things shud be (except my checkbook)

- Thenos, doing his taxes

I am... inevoboble... inevitab... very hard to stop!

- Thenos, giving up on pronunciation